Weekly Workshops
The Weekly Workshops combine Movement, Parkour, Somatics and Medical Fitness. The approach is hollistic, health-concious and fun. It is suitable for all levels, as it responds individually to each participant.
Join us for a free trial session! The training is in German and/or English. 8 spots per session. If you’re interested to join, please enter the Weekly Workshops Telegram group for more information and pick times and dates of the training(s) here.
Training concept
The Weekly Workshops combine Movement, Parkour, Somatics and Medical Fitness. The approach is hollistic, health-concious and fun. It is suitable for all levels, as it responds individually to each participant. We will work on our physical foundations (for Parkour, other practices, or simply for life). We will also find out about our weaknesses and restrictions, and target them with creative and playful elements from the big universe of Movement Culture. Last but not least, we will have fun in the group and support each other.
The training will take place in a small group. The idea is to have an intimite space to work together in the group, but also very individually.

Registration and payment
After one free trial session, please register and pay for the Weekly Workshops via Patreon, a platform for creators.
After registering on the Patreon website with a name and e-mail address, you can follow me (for free). As a follower, you will see most of my content on Patreon and stay updated on trainings and workshops.
To join the Weekly Workshops, choose Weekly Workshops monthly fee – Regular for 50 EU per month or Weekly Workshops monthly fee – Reduced for 35 EU per month (if you have trouble to afford the full price).
Get your membership here on Patreon.

(So funktioniert Patreon – Erklärung auf Deutsch.)
Drop-in / Bring a friend
Beside the monthly fee of 50/35 EU, a drop-in is also possible, limited to once a month per person. Choose Weekly Workshops Drop-in – Regular for 10 EU or Weekly Workshops Drop-in – Reduced for 7 EU (if you have trouble to afford the full price).
As a regular member (50 or 35 EU membership or higher), you can bring a friend for free to one session per month.
Get your membership here on Patreon.
Über mich
Seit zwölf Jahren trainiere und lebe ich die vielseitige Bewegungskunst Parkour. Ich beschäftige mich mit gesundem Training, Medical Fitness, Somatics und Movement, und integriere die verschiedene Ansätze in meine Trainings und meine eigene Praxis. Seit 2015 arbeite ich als Trainerin für Parkour, Kindersport und Gesundheitssport (Trainerlizenzen B und C), u.a. für die Berliner Vereine Seitenwechsel und Pfeffersport. Ich bin staatlich anerkannte Erzieherin mit sport- und bewegungspädagogischem Profil und habe während meiner Ausbildung 2017-2020 drei Jahre in einer Kita mit Sprach- und Bewegungsschwerpunkt in Berlin-Neukölln gearbeitet. 2020/21 habe ich an der Somatischen Basisausbildung an der Somatischen Akademie Berlin teilgenommen.